As Christians, we have been giving the delightful opportunity to live life with God – not just for Him, but with Him. This means living relationally from a place where we tap into the Mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16), God’s perspective (2 Corinthians 5:16), and love for the people around us (1 John 4:11).
It’s easier to live relationally with God when the world around us is working more like the Kingdom of Heaven and less like the kingdom of darkness. Of course, we’re still in the world, but there are things that we can do to bring heaven to earth in the world around us.
One way to do this is to pray for our jobs, businesses, coworkers, etc. Below, I’ve outlined 10 things that you can pray for surrounding your job to (hopefully) make your life better, others’ lives better, and help your world look more like heaven. As Jeremiah told the Israelites, “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you… pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” (Jeremiah 29:7)

Pray for your boss
Pray for blessings in:
- Their health
- Their family
- Their finances
- Their professional relationships
- Their sleep (believe me, a rested boss is much better than an insomniac!)
Pray for direction in:
- Their decisions
- Their management style
- Their dreams/hopes

Pray for your coworkers
Pray for blessings in:
- Their health
- Their families
- Their finances
- Their sleep
- Their minds for problem-solving
- Good, easily-implementable ideas that will make the company money
- Their business relationships
Pray for the executives of your company
Pray the same as for your boss (above) as well as:
- Clear vision for the company
- Blessings that can be passed down to others within the company
- Strategies to create a good corporate culture
- The ability to communicate and implement Godly policies/Kingdom principles throughout the company
- Favor from other executives
- Favor from the board of directors

Pray for your customers
Pray blessings in:
- Their families
- Their finances (they can’t buy your products if they don’t have money)
- Their health
- Their business relationships
- Their success (after all, if they don’t succeed, chances are they will no longer buy your products)

Pray for the economy
You get to pray for both the economy around you and the economy around each of your customers. Pray for:
- Blessings on the economy
- Creative ways for those within the economies to make money
- Hope in the communities you serve
- Blessings on your customers’ customers
Of course, these will be different depending on where, exactly, you are in your organization. And if you have specific requests due to your own position (for example, more clients or referrals, solutions to specific problems, etc.) feel free to add them to these lists.
One last thing before I sign off: You can (and should) pray for these people even if they do not yet know God. It’s God’s kindness that brings people to repentance (Romans 2:4) and non-Christians learn about God’s ways by seeing His blessings (Psalm 67:1-2). By you praying good things for these people, you’re actually helping to prepare their hearts for a relationship with Christ!