Reflection of Mt. Hood in Mirror Lake, Oregon
“Romans 8:22 says that “creation groans for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God.” Nature longs to manifest the Kingdom [of God]. The earth groans for this, wanting to be healed. Even water longs to be walked on again.” (DeCenso, et al., 2009)
As we talked about last week, creation waits in eager expectation – groaning with anticipation – for the sons and daughter of God to be revealed. Something shifts in the natural world when the Kingdom of God is displayed on earth.

A palm oasis in the wasteland of Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, California
The revealing of the sons and daughters of God takes place in innumerable ways, but it always displays the nature and character of God, Himself – a king is not fully established over a kingdom unless it displays the character of its ruler.

Emerald Lake below the Flattop Mountain Trail in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
Another thing that reveals the sons and daughters of God can be a display of the power of God. Some would say miracles; others answers to prayer; others unexplainable happenings. The word isn’t important; the important thing is that God has revealed Himself and His character to the earth through His sons and daughters with a display of His power.

Bridal Veil Falls in Spearfish Canyon, South Dakota
This is what the writer spoke of when he said that “water longs to be walked on again.” Creation is longing for the revelation of the children of God, and if that looks like supernatural walking on water, creation is all in.

Lake Agnes, State Forest State Park, Colorado
How much does creation long for these revelations of the children of God? How much does it rejoice when a son or daughter of God, filled with God, fixed on God, walks into it? What is its response when a revelation comes to a person in its midst? Is this part of the reason God speaks and reveals Himself to us in the wilderness – because creation is responding to God in us, and it opens us and the surrounding area up for an encounter with God?

Pretty flowers above Tunnel Slot, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, Utah
I don’t have a defined theology for this. But I do know that creation longs for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God. We can be part of the solution to the earth’s groaning – to be the sons and daughters of God; to go out into the wilderness; to, well, maybe not walk on water (how cool would that be?), but to be the demonstration of God’s power, God’s Kingdom come on earth, flowing through us to us, to those around us, receiving the revelation and the revealing of God on earth.

Upper North Falls, Silver Falls State Park, Oregon
“Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)
This is Part 2 of a three part series; you can also view Part 1 and Part 3