Wildflowers in Spray Park, Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington
I finally have a logical reason why we are so impacted by the beauty of the wilderness.

Misty morning at Haystack Rock on Cannon Beach, Oregon
In the wilderness, our hearts get a taste of what heaven will be like.

Heliotrope Divide Trail, Mt. Baker Wilderness, Washington
There’s something about a place where God has made everything in sight…

Wildflowers in Chesler Park, Needles District of Canyonlands National Park, Utah
Something about the near-perfection…

This pussy paw is literally the size of my little pinky nail… Brewer Creek Trail on Mt. Shasta, California
Something about the infinite variety in the simple things…

Waterfalls along the Spray Park Trail, Mt. Rainier National Park, Washington
Something about the unique sights…

Pinnacle Peaks from Lava Mountain, Wyoming
That makes my heart long for the place where perfection is, where there are no more tears, where Jesus is the focal point of all things.

Canyon Ridge Trail, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, Washington
Until I can go there – until I can see Jesus face to face – I’ll wait here and let my heart soar in this foretaste of heaven.

Highline Trail overlooking Squaretop and Lower Green River Lake, Wyoming