Atop Gnarl Ridge overlooking Mt. Hood,
Hi everyone! Welcome to Anne’s Travels! Anything to do with hiking and great views gets me excited. The more wilderness and off-the-beaten-path the better, although I also enjoy seeing typical attractions such as famous national parks like Yellowstone and the Statue of Liberty. In general, though, I’m just an incurable View Junkie!
Most of my posts are about hikes I’ve enjoyed. I also post helpful travel information, gear reviews, “best of” in a state or park, and DIY Travel and Camping Hacks (Bug screens for your van? How about a truck cap to sleep on your roof?). I update and post new information frequently, so please stop by again soon. Or, you can subscribe using the RSS link (to the right, above the menu) or find me on Facebook, MeWe, Flickr, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram. You can also check out my day hiking travel books on GoodReads.com. Happy traveling!
If you would like to help me continue making hiking guides, you can donate using the button below. Thanks!
hi Anne, your “Best of Big Bend” was helpful in planning my trip last year to Big Bend National Park – thanks. I’ve referenced it on my blog post. I couldn’t leave a comment on this page, but a few observations:
* as you’ve noted on your updated page, I found Lost Mine Trail a fantastic hike (I would only recommend skipping this one if you’re doing Emory Peak and South Rim, which is even better)! Perhaps suggest going early or late in the day – I set out in the late afternoon, and had the trail to myself a great sunset from the top.
* I mostly agree with your snyopsis of the Window – but it’s not a bad spot to end the day; again, I had the place on my own at sunset.
* some of your recommendations needed a high clearance / 4WD vehicle (the ranger recommended I didn’t take my rental sedan to Grapevine Hills, for example) – so might be worth noting that.
Hi Oliver!
Thanks so much for the updates! I’m really looking forward to doing the South Rim someday. It sounds like your sunsets were fantastic. I’ll update the page for 4×4 / high clearance.
Hi Anne
fascinated with your site
driving from Zion to Moab , to break up drive- we are looking for 2-3 hour hike moderate hike close to highways (15/ 70) and not desert like
any suggestion
Hi James! Both I-15 and I-70 are pretty much in the desert (I drove I-15 last month, and believe me, it’s in the desert!) If you want a non-desert hike, I might suggest Delano Peak – it’s not too far off of I-15. The mileage varies depending on the exact route you take / trailhead / what kind of vehicle you’re driving. Route descriptions can be found at https://www.outdoorproject.com/adventures/utah/hikes/delano-peak-hike, http://www.girlonahike.com/2018/01/hiking-to-delano-peak-tushar-mountains.html, https://www.roadtripryan.com/go/t/utah/westdesert/delano-peak, and https://www.summitpost.org/delano-peak-ut/152064. Another summer hike (cool because of the water) that’s near I-15 is Kanarra Creek Canyon (https://utah.com/hiking/kanarra-creek-canyon), but flash floods can be a real problem, and I hear the area has had rain recently, so use caution. Hope that helps! ~Anne
As a resident of South Dakota I want to correct a few errors published in the Bear Butte blog, First Bear Butte is in Southwestern South Dakota not Northwestern. And there was a suggestion that it is isolated from every thing else, when in fact the Black Hills with many exciting vistas are waiting for those who wish to travel there. If you had faced the west you could not have missed the Black Hills.
As my indigenous friends would say,Pilmaya
I found your site (annestravels.net) from SERP and found it extremely awesome! I wanted to know if you’re willing to accept paid content in the form of guest posts and give a do-follow link to our client’s site.
Kindly let me know the price per post (if you are interested to sell sponsored posts on your blog).
Also, we might be interested to place in-content text link (placement of a text link on an existing blog post on your blog) please do let me know the price per text link placement as well.
So tell me the prices, and we’ll get an agreement ☺
Have a nice day!
Andrew Core
Hello Andrew! I’m not currently accepting applications for guests posts, do-follow links, or in-context text links. But thanks for reaching out to me! If I do begin accepting applications in the future, I’ll let you know.
Hi Anne:
I’m an archival producer in Canada currently working on a story about the Concrete Arrows, beacons, and towers for a documentary series called ‘Mysteries From Above’. I’d love to include some of your photos in our segment. Please email me to further discuss. Thank you.
Anne, Just found your site. Looking for the Grand Tour Trail in Webster Park, Rochester, ny. Found one with your name on it.
Could not really read that map but, can you share that map? How would I obtain it?
Thanks. I also love, love hiking.
Ann B.
Hi Ann, Yes, this is the same Grand Tour as is in Webster Park! (Love that hike!) A slightly large version of the map can be found at https://flic.kr/p/2jmPcLr. If you need an even bigger map, try downloading the GPX file and importing it into map software. Happy hiking! ~Anne
Hi Anne!! I wanted to thank you for your detailed description of the Garnet Canyon to Lower Saddle in Middle Teton…. We did the hike with our two daughters, 7 and 9, and I wanted to share the experience with you since your post helped us SO MUCH! Look forward to hopefully speaking with you 🙂
Hello Melissa! I’m so glad you enjoyed the hike!! And I’d love to hear about your experiences. Can you contact me through social media (Facebook, Instagram, or MeWe) so we can interface more easily? Links are in the header (the empty space is IG… I’m waiting to get an icon from my graphic artist). I can’t wait to hear from you!
Anne, You and I met on the north side of Hetch Hetchy last month as, I believe, you had just finished the “Loop”. I did a reverse super-loop for a total of 50 miles and 6,837 feet of vertical gain in three days. I had extreme heat and few water sources, suffering extreme dehydration by the finish. That was the good part. When I reached the 8.000 foot elevation, I had intense swarms of mosquitos day and night. Of course, I do not use tent. My mosquito head net saved the day. It took about three days to recover, most notably my lost voice. After I saw you, I saw no one until I returned to Hetch Hetchy.
You have a great website with valuable and entertaining information. Peter
Hi Peter! Yes, I remember the really fun conversation we had at Hetch Hetchy! So sorry that your trip was miserable… I headed north and sweltered for a few days and also lost my voice after prolonged mild dehydration. It was a learning experience for sure. ~Anne