Hiking toward New Alto, Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico
If any of us have lived in relationship with Jesus for very long, we’ve personally experienced the fact that there are tests in life. I’m not talking about a life of continual hardship without any victory; along with Paul, we can say, “Thanks be to God, the one always leading us in triumph in Christ, and through us in every place making manifest the fragrance of the knowledge of Him” (2 Corinthians 2:14 BLB). But even in the triumphal victory, there are times that are harder and times that are easier. There are times when we are being refined and tested in our faith and motives; becoming more like Jesus. Through it all, we find we are in “tests” of one kind or another.

Wildflowers along the Ibantik Lake Trail, Uinta Mountains, Utah
So over the next couple of weeks, I’d like to talk about different kinds of tests in different seasons, specifically relating to Joseph, son of Jacob/Israel.

Roses at the Kent Park Arboretum, Webster, New York
When Joseph was seventeen (Genesis 37:2), he faced the first part of the test that would lead him to near-kingship. God gave Joseph dreams that spoke of a time when his brothers and even his parents would bow down to him and he would rule over them (Genesis 37:8; 10). The dreams were true – as time told – but Joseph’s first test was to believe that the dreams were actually from God.

Valley of Dreams, New Mexico
God reveals Himself to us and He reveals plans for us in various ways. Sometimes it’s a desire that won’t go away, despite the circumstances. Sometimes it’s a dream or vision or hearing God’s voice. Sometimes a prophet speaks God’s word to us. At times, we might not even realize we are going where God is sending us: we’re following Him and not quite realizing how we got from where we were to where we are now.

Near the Tipoff on the South Kaibab Trail, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona
But the first step in moving from where we are to where God is calling us to be – the first test that we must conquer – is believing, ourselves, that this is God’s desire for us and that we can trust Him to bring it to being.

Trail junction for the Cinder Cone Trail, Lassen Volcanic National Park, California
It’s sort of like standing at the trailhead of a long and difficult trail and reading the sign kiosk. We know that we want to get to the mountain top or the waterfall or the bottom of the canyon or wherever it is that we know the trail will take us. We have to believe that we actually want to get to where the trail will take us. We have to trust that this trail will, indeed, take us where it promises it will go. Our first test is taking the first step down the trail.

Hikers above Spray Park, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington
Joseph seemly aced this part of the test. He believed God to the point that he told his brothers, and later his father, the dreams that God had given him. It doesn’t appear that he said it like, “Hey, I had really strange dreams last night. Musta eaten too much barley and goat cheese pizza.” He actually believed that these were dreams from God and that they would happen someday.

London Bridge along the Fairyland Trail, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah
His ancestor Abraham also believed what God said, and God “credited it to him as righteousness” (Hebrews 15:6). That first step of belief and faith is huge. And yet it’s so simple: All we have to do is to believe.
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