Many years ago, I visited the Saratoga Springs in the far south of Death Valley National Park. On my last visit, I decided to check it out again and possibly complete the hike (I actually didn’t quite make it, but…

Many years ago, I visited the Saratoga Springs in the far south of Death Valley National Park. On my last visit, I decided to check it out again and possibly complete the hike (I actually didn’t quite make it, but…
On the 4th of July, I had a special treat: I went up to the Blue Ridge Parkway with my aunt and uncle. They’ve lived in the area for years, but somehow we never have time to get up there…
A few weeks ago, I got to ride a “new” (to me) bike path in western New York State! (I almost hate to call it in the Finger Lakes, since it’s so far west, but it could still be classified…
On our last visit to Death Valley National Park, the Keane Wonder Mine Trail was high on my list of “must-do” hikes. I’d hiked it at least three times back in the early 2000s, but then the area was closed…
Over the long weekend last week, I had the opportunity to check out a new (to me) rails-to-trails from Wallington, New York (you’ve never heard of it? Neither had I) to Sodus Point. It’s very well-maintained – very small gravel…
There are quite a few ancient ruined pueblos in Chaco Canyon. These are some of the best hikes in Chaco Culture National Historical Park.
You can walk across the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge to enjoy the beauty of the gorge and views of the nearby mountains. It’s not for those afraid of heights!
If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about the Manhattan Project (when America dropped atomic bombs on Japan), you need look no further than the Brandbury Science Museum in Los Alamos, New Mexico. It’s not exactly on the beaten path,…
Of all the hikes I did in the Cabinet Mountains last summer, Berray Mountain was my favorite. It might have been the far-reaching views to green mountains fading into the blue of summer haze. It might have been the fun…
It’s not well known, it’s not well-signed, and it’s down a dirt road in rural Kansas. Still, Monument Rocks National Natural Landmark is well worth the visit if you’re travel down I-70 through western Kansas. The “Chalk Pyramids”, as they’re…