Last summer, I had the special treat of hiking to the Swiftcurrent Lookout with four amazing group members (some of whom might have been even more excited to do the hike than me – now that’s unusual!) The day was…
Mountains and Valleys
I love mountaintops. Most of my favorite hikes have been high-elevation – peaks overlooking the mountains, ridgelines with views to mountains or countrysides, even meadowed mountainsides. Get me above treeline with great views to cliffs and mountains and meadows, and…
Pleasure in His Purpose
Eric Liddell, the British sprinter who broke world records at the 1924 Olympics, once said, “I believe God made me for a purpose… and when I run, I feel His pleasure.” Liddell recognized that God had created him with the…
Creation is Not Our Salvation
In the hiking communities I’m blessed to be a part of, I hear many comments about the wilderness. They talk about how going out into the wilderness relaxes them, gives them peace, reconnects them with God, helps them remember what…
The Narrow Road in the Wilderness
I tend to lump wilderness trails into two categories: 1) The trails that are wide and crowded, and 2) The nearly deserted trails that are narrow and sometimes hardly exist. There’s plenty of gray area between these two extremes, but…
Eyes for God’s Beauty
I read an interesting quote by John Muir yesterday. He said, “God never made an ugly landscape. All that the sun shines on is beautiful, so long as it is wild.” The quote more or less speaks for itself. …
A Different Perspective in Darkness
I’m convinced that one of the reasons people love to watch the sunset is because they enjoy watching the changes that come over the landscape in the shift from day to night. The air stills or the wind picks up. …
Slot Canyon Musings
Guest post from one of my group members… because honestly, this is not my method with slot canyons at all! I’ve always had a mild case of claustrophobia. Growing up, my family and I spent a lot of our vacations…
Darkness is for Rest
There is a lot of talk about “dark times” in our Christian churches today. You even hear it spoken of in our society. “Everyone faces dark times, sometimes,” people say. “Don’t worry; you can get through it. You just have…
Healed without Knowing It
One day, God said to me, “Anne, do you know how much you were healed on that trip?” The “trip” (vacation) He was referring to was one where we spent a glorious week hiking the trails around the Mt.…