Tired of camp games and cooking over a campfire? Try these unique, not-typical ways to keep yourself entertained while camping or hiking! (BTW, I don’t endorse any of these, though most have been thoroughly tested at least once.)
Five Forms of Entertainment to (Not) Enjoy While Camping or Hiking

Watch the Dancers. This one only works if there are so many mosquitos, you can barely see the trees for the clouds of insects. Go to a popular viewpoint or treailhead. As people arrive, they’ll get out of their car. All you have to do is wait for the mosquitos to land… and the dance begins!
Be Like a Bear. Before you go, purchase a bear costume. Walk along a busy park road, just far enough into the undergrowth to be… of interest to motorists.
Tour Guide. Go up to an interesting viewpoint along a populated trail. Stand tall and begin in a loud voice, “Ok, now, gather around, because here we see a great example of…” and proceed to tell them the history or flora or fauna. See how long it takes before a crowd follows you to the next viewpoint…

The Latest Hit Band. This works best in a crowded campground or trail. Gather a few friends, and walk along the road (or trail) singing in perfect 3 (or 4, or 5) part harmony. See what types of looks you get. Of course, this works best if you and your friends can sing in tune.
Park Ranger? Dress in dark green hiking pants and a gray (or tan) button-down shirt (or dark green fleece jacket). Then go hike a trail. Any trail. You might be surprised the questions people ask.
So there you go – 5 ways to stay entertained while hiking or camping!
I in no way endorse or give legal counsel on the contents of this page. Just sayin‘.