“I am the vastness of the entire mountain range
I am the sight that takes your breath away
I am in the hills and the trees and the very ground you walk on
Because I made it and it sings my praise
That’s part of what the whole earth
Being filled with the Glory of the Lord is about
My glory is all over the earth.
I hold the mountains in my hand
When I say that, it’s not a sign of my strength:
It’s a sign of my love for each one.
I know each animal, bird, and fish that moves and lives and breathes
I know when they are born
And I laugh for joy at the new life formed from the life I breathed into being
I know when they die
None are lost on me; I see them all from beginning to end.
And I think of a time when there will be only life
No death
Because the fulfillment of the end will come
And there will only be light
No darkness, no death
And only Goodness will reign as I have planned since the beginning.
The flowers in the fields show my love for color
I’m not a drab God
They fade away tomorrow, because that was how I created them
But they return, year after year, to show my splendor
To show my rainbow of colors
To prove my care to any who care to look for it.
The streams rush; they are a foretaste of heaven
Where water is always pure and it gives life, never death
The streams gurgle in a lasting hymn of praise
I love their sound, the way they rush and flow
Their ever ebbing movement
The life that they exude, not only to those who go to them for a drink
But in the movement, the dance they take as they take their course to the ocean.
The oceans are mine as well
They swell and ebb; they are never still
Yet they give people rest to sit by them
And I have given them the gift of ministering peace
To the stressed and the brokenhearted
To the weary and the homesick
The fearful and the faithless
To the weak and to the strong.
Men try to conquer the water, but I laugh at them
They have managed to control it to a degree
But they will never master the mighty waters
They will never conquer the waters I have made.
On the beaches I make my haunts
I hide among the sandhills and walk the rocky shores
I wait there for my beloveds to come
And they come, sometimes stumbling,
Sometimes running,
Sometimes for reasons of their own
But I meet them there
And they walk away, never to be the same again
I do this to those who know me and those who would deny my existence
I touch them all
And they go away changed.
The same is true of the mountains
Where I declare my splendor and majesty
My tenderness and my justice
I walk the rocky crags
I make my home in the sheltered valleys
So people may come and fine rest for their bodies and souls.”