Many of you have heard of the “Five Love Languages” – Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Gifts, Physical Touch, and Acts of Service. Most people have one or two primary ways that make us feel loved. For example, you might feel the most loved when someone gives you a compliment (Words of Affirmation) but you also like a good hug from your spouse (Physical Touch). Meanwhile, your daughter would rather go to the park with you (Quality Time) or take the dishes to the sink to show that she loves you (Acts of Service).

In the same way that we show various ways to love other people, we can also show all five love languages in our love and adoration of God. I don’t believe He has a primary love language – He seems to be infinite in all five. Below, I’d like to outline a few ways each love language can be used by us to love God.

Words of Affirmation
Saying, “I love You,” worshiping Him with words, writing or teaching, speaking kindly and with honor to other people

Quality Time
Spending time in God’s presence, worshipping Him, reading the Bible, studying commentaries, etc., simply doing life with Him

Giving money, time, or energy into the ministry He has called you to (this includes your family, church, projects He has put on your heart, etc.), participating in volunteering activities, giving gifts to people in need (for example, Operation Christmas Child), visualizing your worship (or your life) as a gift and “giving” it to Him

Physical Touch
This is the most complicated of the love languages to translate to a God we can’t see. But it’s not impossible! Visualize yourself sitting on His lap and you giving Him a hug. Feel His presence all around you when you’re spending time with Him. Imagine that God is with you, counting the hairs on your head (Luke 12:7). As you move in worship, imagine that God is moving/dancing with you.

Acts of Service
Volunteering at church, soup kitchens, etc., having people over to your home, teaching others about God, helping those in need, praying for those in need (intercession), taking revelations from God and making them practical (for example, practical solutions for your job), speaking God’s attributes in worship, carrying out God’s instructions

These are only partial lists of ways that you can love God with all five of the love languages. Often, we will be drawn to one or another as we love Him, usually based on our own love languages. But I encourage you to also try loving God with another of the love languages that is outside of your paradigm – you may find a deeper relationship with God as you love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30).
If you would like to learn more about the Five Love Languages, I highly recommend “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman.