Little Wildhorse Canyon may be the most famous slot canyon in Utah. It’s certainly up there, along with Buckskin Gulch, Peek-a-boo and Spooky Slots, Kanarra Creek, and the Zion Narrows (which are unarguably the most famous and also not really…

Little Wildhorse Canyon – A Fun Slot!

My Year in Song, 2023 Edition!
Every year, I like to put together a playlist of 10 songs that were my soundtrack for the year. In 2023, my most meaningful songs were: Joy – Martin Smith Psalm 63 – Jeremy Riddle The Wild Ones – Rachel…

Top Posts on Anne’s Travels in 2023!
It’s time for the annual round-up of the top-performing pages on Anne’s Travels in 2023! I’m very happy with the diversity of popular posts this year, though several of the long-standing oft-visited pages have sunk lower in the list this…
Patreon December-January Featured Hikes – Zone 1 (Pacific Northwest) & Zone 2 (Northern Southwest)
Zone 1 Pacific Northwest (Oregon, Washington) Washington Whistle Lake Loop 3.7 mile lollipop loop; 359ft. elevation gain; Strenuous to Moderate Lake; forest; views; Fidalgo Island Whistle Lake Loop Trail Guide Cross Island Trail 4.9 mile shuttle; 369ft. up, 430ft. down;…
Patreon December-January Featured Hikes – Zone 3 (Southwest) & Zone 4 (Rocky Mountain States)
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Patreon December-January Featured Hikes – Zone 5 (Great Plains) & Zone 6 (Great Lakes States)
To view this content, you must be a member of Anne’s Patreon at $1 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.
Patreon December-January Featured Hikes – Zone 7 (Eastern Mountains) & Zone 8 (Southeast & Gulf States)
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Amazing Views from Blackmon Peak!
If you’re looking for one spectacular hike – that doesn’t go to a lake – near Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains, the hike to Blackmon Peak fits the bill! It’s not an easy hike (we’re talking over 2,000ft. elevation gain here), but…

Eliminate Heel Slip & Heel Blisters – Video + Written Tutorial!
Last Christmas, I received a gift that would keep giving – Vasque Breeze LT hiking boots! But they gave me such terrible blisters that I couldn’t even wear them 3 miles in the local nature preserve. The internet came to…

10 Practical Ways to Grow in Favor with God and Man
‘Tis the season for the beginning of the book of Luke. It’s a beautiful story of the birth of Christ. Most churches end the story with the last verse of Luke 2: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and…