Mt. Shasta over Lake Siskiyou
I happen to be a very practical person. Which is probably why the facts and figures of how to hike a trail come pretty naturally to me, along with planning trips and even normal everyday life.

The trail to Lake Ann on the Mt. Baker Highway, Washington
Because of my practicality, I like to have a reason for the things I do, a reason I like certain things or dislike certain things. A rational reason does much for my practical mind.

Nooksack Falls, Washington
So it was with joy that I discovered something very practical.
The most practical thing we can do is to love the things that God loves.

Mist over Spray Park in the shadow of Mt. Rainier, Washington
We all know that God is love, He is the very essence of love. We also know that God loves everyone on earth, and that He cares for not only people, but also for animals. We know His love takes on very practical forms, like taking care of our needs.

Walking Badwater Flats in Death Valley National Park, California
As practical as God’s love is for us (and unpractical, too, though I don’t want to take the time to explain that right now), it makes sense that the most practical, rational thing we can do is to love the things that God loves.
As we love the things that He loves, we draw closer to His heart, become more one with His will for us, and give Him greater pleasure.

On Skyline Divide heading for Mt. Baker, Washington
One of the things that God loves is the wilderness, the natural world. He made it for His glory, for His pleasure, as well as for us to inhabit, use, and enjoy.

Lupine in Spray Park, Mount Rainier National Park, Washington
So when we have the opportunity to go out into the natural world and love it, we are actually loving quite rationally. Our Creator made it, loves it, why not us, as well?