We all love talents and gifts from God. It’s so much fun to see someone that is gifted and recognize what God has given them and enjoy the way they use it. Sometimes I feel like I get to access God’s heart in a way as He delights in how they are using their talent to encourage and uplift others.

Natural talent is wonderful. It’s encouraging and a reminder that we are, indeed, fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). But natural talent can only take you so far.

For example, you can walk (most people can!) But being able to walk will only take you so far into the wilderness. Pretty soon, you’ll need some training (even if it’s just doing progressively longer hikes), some food and water, and some knowledge-by-experience or training to hike further and higher and to ever more beautiful views.

This is where natural talent falls short: You can only do so much with the talent you have. If you want to live out your talent to the fullest, you’re going to need to practice your gifts.

I heard a (true) story from a guy who loved the prophetic. He wasn’t especially gifted at it, but he would go out and practice anyway. Over the years, the prophetic gift grew in his life to the point where now that’s what he’s best known for in Christian circles. It started small, but through practice, it became an incredibly honed and beautiful talent.

Meanwhile, this same man had friends who were naturally very gifted in prophetic ministry. They would use their prophetic giftings from time to time – whenever they needed to, really – but they never really practiced it except when they needed it. They’re still powerful in prophetic ministry today, but nowhere near as gifted or talented as the man who practiced what little he had until it grew into something much more powerful than he’d ever hoped to see.

If we want to be talented and gifted, we must put a priority on practicing what God has given us. No matter how natural the talent or gift is, it can still grow and mature through practice. Even breathing at high elevations can be improved with practice!