Often, the reason the lesser-known parts of national parks are lesser-known is because they aren’t worth seeing. Or at least, they’re not as nice as the better-known parts. But that simply isn’t true of the northwest section of Mt. Rainier…

Often, the reason the lesser-known parts of national parks are lesser-known is because they aren’t worth seeing. Or at least, they’re not as nice as the better-known parts. But that simply isn’t true of the northwest section of Mt. Rainier…
What’s worth getting up very early in the morning for? A sight worth seeing, I’d say. A sight that can only be seen early in the morning or that take so long to get to, you’ll have to get an…
What’s better: A free campsite, or a paid campsite with a view? Or, are you like me, and would say, “Why not both?” However, free campsites with views are difficult to find, so when you find a good one, you…
Do you love history? Fishing? Waterfalls? Picnic areas with mountain views? The Clarks Fork River Valley along the Beartooth Highway offers each of these…from the same parking lot! Also the trailhead for the Flume Trail, the area has a small…
It was a lovely day in October. The trees in the back yard were just beginning to turn color, but the air was unseasonably warm. The sun shone (very untypical for western New York State at this time of year).…
In my last post, I started talking about how to make screens to put over the windows of your vehicle to keep out the bugs. In this post, I’ll continue to explain how you can make these bug screens. …
This week, I’d like to deviate a bit from my normal posts about destinations. Instead, I’ll tell you about how you can make custom screens to put over your vehicle windows to keep the bugs out. This is especially important…
In the last post, I talked about taking the Face Trail up to Table Mountain, right on the edge of Grand Teton National Park. The views from the top are beautiful; some of the best views of the Tetons I’ve…
“Well, I’ll give this an ‘A’ for Spectacular.” “It’s amazing to me that anything could be quite this beautiful.” “This has got to be the best view of the Tetons I’ve ever seen.” “How could anything be this pretty?” “I…
I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything quite like the Flattops Wilderness in northern Colorado. Ever. This pristine wilderness has some of the most grand views I’ve seen, and the top-of-the-world feeling is simply out of this world. I can…