If you’re looking for a classic hike (with quite a bit of elevation gain) in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, you might be interested in the path to Blue Hen Falls. The waterfall is a favorite with families, couples, singles, and…

If you’re looking for a classic hike (with quite a bit of elevation gain) in Cuyahoga Valley National Park, you might be interested in the path to Blue Hen Falls. The waterfall is a favorite with families, couples, singles, and…
If there’s one trail in Cuyahoga Valley National Park that you shouldn’t miss, it’s the Ledges Trail. Besides being a nice hike in its own merit, it showcases what some would call “bluffage” – huge rocks and cliff faces, often…
If you’ve ever seen photos of Cuyahoga Valley National Park, you’ve probably seen one (or both!) of the two famous waterfalls in the park: Brandywine Falls and Blue Hen Falls. My first and foremost plan when visiting the park for…
Would you believe that there are national parks within a few hours of my childhood home that I’ve never visited? They just never seem to fit into any trip: Too far away for a day trip, too close as a…
There are currently 63 national parks in the United States. They cover scenery and natural features as diverse as deserts, rain forests, salt basins, tide pools, waterfalls, volcanoes, coral reefs, mountains, canyons, lakes, wildlife, and so much more. I’ve visited…