Well, we got a new van! At least, it’s new to us 🙂 After 18 years of owning and loving our Dodge Ram 1500s, it was time for something different, not because we didn’t want another Dodge (did I mention…

Well, we got a new van! At least, it’s new to us 🙂 After 18 years of owning and loving our Dodge Ram 1500s, it was time for something different, not because we didn’t want another Dodge (did I mention…
Or, how to transport 10 people in a full size van and still sleep in the van at night It was spring of the year 2001, and we had just upgraded from a 1989 Chevy Caprice Station Wagon to…
It’s that time of year again, when we get to look at the most popular pages on Anne’s Travels in the past year! The top performing pages are pretty consistent every year, though there are a few new favorites –…
Many people will tell you that you should really take oatmeal on a backpacking trip for breakfast. Many others will tell you to eat anything but oatmeal for breakfast on a backpacking trip. Personally? Eat something for breakfast on…
This is a guest post from one of my hiking companions. She’s young, slightly dramatic, and loves pretty things, even in the middle of the wilderness. You can find her top hiking destinations here. If you have long hair,…
Or, How to Save the Day when Everything Goes Wrong on the Trail You all see the pictures on the blog. They’re beautiful, sunny, spectacular. Some of you might even read the write up, usually a rather blissful account of…
I’ve added a new favorite item to my “must pack” list for traveling! It’s what I’d call a “seat belt pillow” or maybe “one pillow you can actually use in the car and won’t get lost”. It’s a simple sewing…
So it’s the end of 2015, and it’s time to do the second annual best-of-Anne’s-Travels! Last year, I simply posted the most popular posts of the year, but if I did that again, it would be nigh unto identical, with…
Recently, I’ve been experimenting with drying applesauce (or making a kind of DIY apple fruit leather, if you’d like to use that terminology). It really tastes delicious, is healthy, and would make a great trail snack – but I don’t…
I think I must be a germaphobic. Actually, it comes from being around a lot of little children and being sick constantly as a child, myself. I just don’t want to get sick – even a common cold –…