A few weeks ago, I talked about exploring around 20 Mule Team Scenic Drive in Death Valley National Park. Well, partially by accident, and partially intentionally, I also ended up exploring 20 Mule Team Canyon, also located along the scenic…
Visiting the Overlooked Deckertown Falls
It’s a tiny bit of forest tucked between a neighborhood and farm fields. But within that sheltered glen, Catlin Mill Creek tumbles over three(ish) ledges to create a scene better known as Deckertown Falls. The falls are as beautiful as…
Exploring 20 Mule Team
There’s a nice little scenic drive a short distance up CA-190 from Furnace Creek. It’s called 20 Mule Team because it’s the route that the famous “20 Mule Team” used to transport borax out of Death Valley. But I have…
Biking the Sodus-Wallington Trail to Sodus Point
Over the long weekend last week, I had the opportunity to check out a new (to me) rails-to-trails from Wallington, New York (you’ve never heard of it? Neither had I) to Sodus Point. It’s very well-maintained – very small gravel…
Sunset at the Tuweep Campground
Enjoy sunset from the slickrock near the campground in Tuweep on a remote part of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, not far from the Toroweap Overlook
Spectacular Views near Siyeh Pass!
Despite beginning only 2.25 miles below the famous Logan Pass, the Siyeh (pronounced Sigh-ee) Pass Trail is nowhere near as crowded as the nearby Highline Trail or Hidden Lake Trail. That’s not to say you won’t meet people (this is…
The Crazy King of Wings!
Deep in the badlands of northwestern New Mexico, there is a rock formation known as the “King of Wings”. It’s pretty remarkable, and it definitely defies gravity. On one end is a kind of hoodoo or pedestal. On the other…
Climbing Star Dune in Great Sand Dunes National Park
Great Sand Dunes! Ever since he first saw the dunes in a book when he was five or six, one of my group members wanted to visit. Unfortunately, that first visit didn’t turn out so well due to a sandstorm,…
Exploring to Gavilan Falls
Last summer, after we climbed Wheeler Peak (the highest point in New Mexico), we also wanted to climb Gold Hill. However, everyone was pretty worn out after hiking above 13,000ft., so we decided to take a rest day in between. …
Cliff Lake and Climbing St. Paul Peak
The Cabinet Mountains Wilderness is considered one of the most remote areas to hike in the lower 48 states. It’s true that it’s pretty remote – at least in terms of the full spectrum of wild animals that call the…