Last week, we talked about taking the Brewer Creek Trail, then continuing up a social trail to Butte 9000 high on the side of Mt. Shasta (Butte 9000 isn’t its official title – in fact, you probably will have trouble…
Looking Back at Family Hike Reviewing History
This week, I was going through some old files on my computer and ran across a document with some of my siblings’ compositions we’d written for school in the early 2000s. This document contained several reviews of parks we’d recently…
Camp Cannonville: A Free Campsite with a View
What’s better: A free campsite, or a paid campsite with a view? Or, are you like me, and would say, “Why not both?” However, free campsites with views are difficult to find, so when you find a good one, you…
5 Best Hikes in Anza Borrego Desert State Park
Anza-Borrego Desert State Park always has fond memories for me. From swimming in a palm tree oases to exploring a desert slot canyon, there is a variety of hiking opportunities and natural attractions to see. In this post, I’ll talk…
The Window and The Door Trails: Experience Badlands
If you don’t have much time in Badlands National Park, but you want to experience the Badlands proper, the Door and Notch Trails are for you. These trails are extremely short (together, they’re 1 mile (1.6 km) RT), and they…
Day-hiking Coyote Gulch: Waterfalls, Arches, and Solitude
Near Hole-in-the-Rock Road in Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument there is a wash that turns into a canyon, and through this canyon runs a small, perennial stream. The canyon (which goes under the name of Coyote Gulch) also hides several…
The Wilds of the White Sands
Many people think of White Sands National Monument as a place to spend an hour or less driving the scenic drive and enjoying the peacefulness of the sand – or a place for kids (and kids at heart) to have…
Dry Fork Slots, pt. 2: Spooky Slot
In last week’s post, I talked about Peek-a-Boo Slot (one of the Dry Fork Slots), one of the prettiest slot canyons I’ve ever seen. This week, I’d like to continue that post by talking about another really interesting slot canyon…
The Castle Trail: Stark Beauty (and a nicely long hike!)
In the main part of Badlands National Park, I only know of one long trail that is maintained: the Castle Trail, which can be stretched to 10.8 miles (17.4 km) RT hike. However, for hikers who don’t want quite such…
Saddle Pass Trail: Beautiful Views of Badlands
Badlands is beautiful from the road – no doubt. But if you really want to see the Badlands, you’ve got to get out and experience it. A great trail to do this on is the 0.7 miles (1.1 km) (RT)…