I couldn’t quite decide how to start this post, so I’ll do it with a question: What is your response when blatant sin crosses your path? I’m not talking about the powers of evil here, just obvious sin. Are you…

I couldn’t quite decide how to start this post, so I’ll do it with a question: What is your response when blatant sin crosses your path? I’m not talking about the powers of evil here, just obvious sin. Are you…
As Christians, we have the opportunity to be the most identity-certain people in the world. We are sons and daughters of God (1 John 3:1, John 1:12, Hosea 1:10, Galatians 4:5, etc.), and so we have an anchor and an…
The other day, I was tempted to be offended. I don’t remember what it was even about. Offense is so easy to pick up because 1) it’s simple to be offended by any type of perceived (or real) injustice, and…
As Christians, far too many of us allow ourselves to be controlled by fear. Our own fears dictate the way that we live our lives, the way we worship God, the way we run our churches, and the way we…
The last couple of weeks, I’ve been talking about overcoming common fears that plague many people (specifically the Fear of Men and the Fear of Failure). The more I’ve thought about these topics, and the more I’ve considered other fears…
I don’t know about you, but I hate failing. There’s something so final about it, even if I know I’ll just get up and keep going (what else is there to do besides give up?) Fear of failure is rooted…
Fear in general is rooted in perceived lack. “I’m worried that if I don’t work hard enough, I’ll lose my job, and my family won’t have anything to eat.” “What if the right people don’t get into office? I could…
This morning, I was reading the second half of Matthew 10 (which is a gem of a passage). One of the verses that stood out to me is a well-known metaphor: “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet…
I ran across a really cool verse in Isaiah this morning: Listen to me, you who know right from wrong, you who cherish my law in your hearts. Do not be afraid of people’s scorn, nor fear their insults. Isaiah…
You and I have been given power from God in the Holy Spirit (Luke 24:49, 2 Timothy 1:17, etc.). This is power – there’s no such thing as “good power” or “bad power.” It’s raw power. How it is used…