On my blog, I have a tag called “free.” It lists all of the places I’ve visited and blogged about that have no entrance fee. Sometimes it’s not worth paying an employee to collect day-use fees, and other times the…

On my blog, I have a tag called “free.” It lists all of the places I’ve visited and blogged about that have no entrance fee. Sometimes it’s not worth paying an employee to collect day-use fees, and other times the…
Last week, we decided unexpectedly to take a kayak trip. We thought about doing another paddle on Black Creek (or maybe downstream from the Churchville Dam), but I’d had my eye on Honeoye Creek for some time. It seemed like…
Did you know that you can walk for several miles along the shore of Lake Ontario north of Fair Haven State Park? It’s not exactly easy walking (lake stones are rough footing), but it’s doable. You’ll also get to see…
West of Death Valley National Park and east of the town of Ridgecrest, the Trona Pinnacles National Landmark is a very unique place to visit. The signs on-site said that the pinnacles are made of tufa (calcium carbonate), the leftovers…
It’s a tiny bit of forest tucked between a neighborhood and farm fields. But within that sheltered glen, Catlin Mill Creek tumbles over three(ish) ledges to create a scene better known as Deckertown Falls. The falls are as beautiful as…
One of the best hikes in Webster Park is the Grand Tour around the perimeter of the park. Forests, streams, fields, and wildflowers feature along the hike.
The trail at Kootenai Couny Park leads to Kootenai Falls and the Swinging Bridge over the Kootenai River. It’s a fun and beautiful short hike.
Deep in the badlands of northwestern New Mexico, there is a rock formation known as the “King of Wings”. It’s pretty remarkable, and it definitely defies gravity. On one end is a kind of hoodoo or pedestal. On the other…
On a sunny December afternoon, a group member and I decided to take a hike. Being December, 1pm meant the sun was already low in the sky, but at least it was sunny! We ended up visiting Channing H. Philbrick…
The Irondequoit Lakeside Multi-use Trail stretches from the mouth of Irondequoit Bay nearly all the way to the Genesee River. It’s paved the whole way, and parts actually offer views of the lake (other parts are residential sidewalks). There are…