A few weeks ago, I did a post on “Bible Verses for Hikers.” That was a lot of fun, and it turns out others have enjoyed it, too! So this week, I’ll be sharing some Bible verses for rock climbers. …

A few weeks ago, I did a post on “Bible Verses for Hikers.” That was a lot of fun, and it turns out others have enjoyed it, too! So this week, I’ll be sharing some Bible verses for rock climbers. …
There are two kinds of love – “big love” and “small love.” People say, “I love you.” They mean it, usually. But how much do they love you? Is it a casual love – like an acquaintance who appreciates what…
We all love talents and gifts from God. It’s so much fun to see someone that is gifted and recognize what God has given them and enjoy the way they use it. Sometimes I feel like I get to access…
This year, I’ve been reading a chronological Bible I found amongst my grandmother’s estate last summer. It’s been fun to see the Bible in a more blow-by-blow fashion instead of jumping around based more on topic than timeline. As I…
The gift of faith may be one of the more misunderstood gifts of the Spirit. We’re not sure what, exactly, it is or how to use it. After all, everyone needs faith or we can’t please God (Hebrews 11:6) and…
The opposite of fear is trust. Yet from childhood we’ve been taught to fear. Don’t talk to strangers. Don’t cross the street without looking both ways. Be careful near the water. Don’t take wooden nickels. Be wary of the people…
There’s been a debate going around my world of Christianity recently about the truth vs. deception. Specifically, the debaters ask: Can you still be saved and yet be deceived? In other words, can you believe a lie as a Christian? …
Yesterday I was talking with some friends about the sparkle in life – the things that keep life worth living, the things that energize us and give us hope. It’s the things that give us joy when we’re sad, keep…
Because I hang out on social media groups of hikers and travelers, I virtually brush shoulders with people from all over the world. They come with different backgrounds, cultures, belief systems, and viewpoints – and it’s so much fun to…
Friendly relationships are interesting things. Sometimes they are there for a season, other times they are there for a lifetime. King David had a lifetime relationship with Saul’s son Jonathon, so much so that Jonathon gave David everything he needed…