The other day, I was walking through a local park when I came to a sign next to a gate. “Authorized Vehicles Only,” said the sign. Without a second thought, I walked around the gate and continued on my hike.…

The other day, I was walking through a local park when I came to a sign next to a gate. “Authorized Vehicles Only,” said the sign. Without a second thought, I walked around the gate and continued on my hike.…
Praise awaits you, our God, in Zion;to you our vows will be fulfilled.You who answer prayer,to you all people will come. When we were overwhelmed by sins,you forgave our transgressions.Blessed are those you chooseand bring near to live in your…
Joseph aced many tests in his life. From belief in the face of obstacles to faithfulness when everything was going wrong, he managed somehow to hold on to what God had told him and watch it come to pass. I’m…
We’re continuing our series on Joseph and how he handled the trials and tests that came into his life. First, he needed to believe that God had spoken to him. Second, he had to continue to believe even when his…
Last week, we talked about how Joseph aced his first test: The test of believing what God was telling him. The problem for Joseph was that once he believed, his troubles were far from over. Joseph to bear the…
If any of us have lived in relationship with Jesus for very long, we’ve personally experienced the fact that there are tests in life. I’m not talking about a life of continual hardship without any victory; along with Paul, we…
I wrote last week about turning our faces to the storm – facing it so we can see what is coming, fight the required battle faithfully, and not turn our back on the place God has called us to go. …
Last summer, I had the special treat of hiking to the Swiftcurrent Lookout with four amazing group members (some of whom might have been even more excited to do the hike than me – now that’s unusual!) The day was…
I love mountaintops. Most of my favorite hikes have been high-elevation – peaks overlooking the mountains, ridgelines with views to mountains or countrysides, even meadowed mountainsides. Get me above treeline with great views to cliffs and mountains and meadows, and…
Eric Liddell, the British sprinter who broke world records at the 1924 Olympics, once said, “I believe God made me for a purpose… and when I run, I feel His pleasure.” Liddell recognized that God had created him with the…