God has His eye on the wilderness, on the times and seasons, on the happenings in the wide open meadows and hidden forest glens. Nothing goes unmissed from His eyes, both in human affairs and in what we might call…
Like Plants, God Came to Give Us Life Abundantly
I just got back from a trip to the wilderness. It was a good time of being with my family; we made more than just a few happy memories 🙂 And hiking through the wilderness – some of it fairly…
What Does God Feel in a Sunrise?
Sometimes I wonder about the thoughts of God’s mind and heart when He looks at the wilderness. I know He loves the works of His hands – His creation – but I have to wonder what He thinks
Creation Responds to the Power of God
“Romans 8:22 says that “creation groans for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God.” Nature longs to manifest the Kingdom [of God]. The earth groans for this, wanting to be healed. Even water longs to be walked on…
Water Longs to be Walked On
“Romans 8:22 says that “creation groans for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God.” Nature longs to manifest the Kingdom [of God]. The earth groans for this, wanting to be healed. Even water longs to be walked on…
When the Sons and Daughters of God are Revealed
I was reading a book the other day that had little to do with the wilderness, but one of the authors took a quick side tangent that I found interesting. I’ll be spending the next several weeks discussing the quote,…
God is Infinite
God is infinite. We often think of His infinity as big; very, very big. But God is bigger than that. We also think of God’s infinity in terms of huge – as large as the ocean. But God is…
Clearer Atmosphere in the Wilderness
There are times in our lives that we all have trouble hearing God and what He is saying to us right now. Often this is because there is something between us and the voice that is keeping us from hearing.…
The Wilderness is Only the Beginning
Something I have learned while wandering the wild places of the US and Canada is that the wilderness is not our final destination. God uses the wilderness – it’s often where He chooses to speak with us, to grow us,…
A Taste Before the Fall
When we walk in the wilderness, we get to experience a taste – not the fullness, but just a taste – of what it was like before the fall. What it was like when there was no death, no pain,…