Through the little town of Macedon, NY runs the reconstructed Erie Canal. The canal is mostly for pleasure crafts these days, paid for by your New York Thruway (I-90) tolls. The canal path is also well-used by cyclists (that would…

Through the little town of Macedon, NY runs the reconstructed Erie Canal. The canal is mostly for pleasure crafts these days, paid for by your New York Thruway (I-90) tolls. The canal path is also well-used by cyclists (that would…
So it’s not hard to get to, easy to miss, and maybe not even that impressive. But the I-80 High Point – also known as the Summit Rest Area or the Lincoln Rest Area at Exit 323 between Cheyenne and…
Cape Perpetua is a great place to visit. Thor’s Well and the surrounding volcanic tide pools and other oddities make it a must-do stop on a US-101 road trip. But I found the most remarkable – or at least the…
I don’t necessarily seek out historical places to visit – it’s often an outcome of being in the area and on a whim stopping by (like the Flume Trail or Warren Peak, both in Wyoming). Other times we do go…
So if anyone’s been wondering where I’ve been (or why I haven’t been) on social media over the last month, we just got back from a 3 week adventure to the Pacific Northwestern US! It was pretty amazing, filled with…
Visiting the Medicine Bow Museum in Medicine Bow, WY was a bit of an accident. We hadn’t planned to be in the area at all, but then figured we’d break up the trip by visiting the aircraft arrow in Medicine…
There were three things we really wanted to visit on our day trip to Philadelphia, PA: The US Mint, the Liberty Bell, and Franklin Court (mostly to see the printing press exhibit / demonstration). In fact, that was the order…
A visit to the historic area of Philadelphia, PA just wouldn’t be complete without seeing the Liberty Bell (at least once in your life, anyway). So even though the one person in our group who’d seen it said it wasn’t…
A couple weeks ago, I mentioned I’d soon post about a much more exciting aircraft arrow than the one on Pilot Hill. Well, I got sort of carried away with fall posts, but here’s the rest of the story –…
In the early days of Aviation, there wasn’t radar, radios were finicky, aerial photography didn’t exist, and pilots had little choice but to know landmarks as best as they could from the sky. Thus, when transcontinental flight began to “take…