The Bible says, “Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2). The more I live in this world, the more pressure I see from the world to…
Judgement is Not the Answer to Creation’s Groans
Sometimes in traversing the wilderness, we feel its groans (see Romans 8:18-22). We see its oppression to sin, to evil, to the slavery that came when Adam and Eve sinned. It is a reality that creation is not living in…
Creation Responds to the Power of God
“Romans 8:22 says that “creation groans for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God.” Nature longs to manifest the Kingdom [of God]. The earth groans for this, wanting to be healed. Even water longs to be walked on…
Water Longs to be Walked On
“Romans 8:22 says that “creation groans for the revealing of the sons and daughters of God.” Nature longs to manifest the Kingdom [of God]. The earth groans for this, wanting to be healed. Even water longs to be walked on…
When the Sons and Daughters of God are Revealed
I was reading a book the other day that had little to do with the wilderness, but one of the authors took a quick side tangent that I found interesting. I’ll be spending the next several weeks discussing the quote,…