A few weeks ago, I wrote about how the Bible tells us to specifically clothe ourselves with certain virtues, qualities, and spiritual armor. It’s a great thing to put these on each day, both as protection and also as part…

A few weeks ago, I wrote about how the Bible tells us to specifically clothe ourselves with certain virtues, qualities, and spiritual armor. It’s a great thing to put these on each day, both as protection and also as part…
I like to compliment people – to see their eyes light up, to know that they are walking away with a better outlook on life and themselves. But I’ve also wondered whether it’s really a healthy thing: To compliment but…
As I read through the gospels, I’m struck by Jesus’ compassion. He really didn’t get along at all with the people who thought they were great. In fact, in most situations, He sided with those who were oppressed. Even in…
A page from my journal: April 1-2, 2024 Not giving up is more than just continuing to mindlessly do all of the things that everyone can see. Not giving up is a heart stance; a hope; a way of looking…
Last night, I was listening to a Q&A session. In one of her answers, the interviewee explained that the people who disagreed with her theologically “are often just trying to defend the Bible.” She is very careful to keep her…
This morning, the verse that popped up in my Bible app was “The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed” (Proverbs 11:25). Or perhaps a more literal translation, “The liberal soul shall be made fat; And…
Many of you have heard of the “Five Love Languages” – Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Gifts, Physical Touch, and Acts of Service. Most people have one or two primary ways that make us feel loved. For example, you might…
Have you ever noticed that when you’re around someone you start to act like them? It’s an age-old occurrence, documented in the Bible (Proverbs 13:20, 12:26, 22:24-25, 1 Corinthians 15:33), etc.). Plenty of cultures and wise people have also noted…
There are different kinds of fear. There’s the kind that is afraid of other people – what they will or will not do. That’s a lack of love. There’s the kind of fear that is afraid that bad things will…
Today, I’d like to tackle a sticky topic that I don’t promise I fully understand. But I’ll try to give you the best revelation of the topic that I have at the moment – maybe they’ll be a follow-up post…