The dirt road between the Hans Flat Ranger Station and the top of the Flint Trail is unique in the Maze District in that it’s on top of the Orange Cliffs. Most of the area commonly called the Maze District…

The dirt road between the Hans Flat Ranger Station and the top of the Flint Trail is unique in the Maze District in that it’s on top of the Orange Cliffs. Most of the area commonly called the Maze District…
There are two roads that access the area generally called the Maze District of Canyonlands: The Hans Flat Road, from UT-24 to the Hans Flat Ranger Station, and the Waterhole Flat Road, from US-95 near Hite to… well, to the…
Earlier this fall, a group member and I were discussing adventure ideas – because, that’s just what we do. We’ve ended up in all kinds of crazy places out of conversations about real and imagined adventures. This time, we were…