It’s the end of 2018 (where did the year go?) and we get to look back for a bit and see what the internet thought was the most interesting (or useful?) posts and pages on Anne’s Travels were over the…

It’s the end of 2018 (where did the year go?) and we get to look back for a bit and see what the internet thought was the most interesting (or useful?) posts and pages on Anne’s Travels were over the…
Mt. Hood may be an icon of northern Oregon, and its Timberline Trail may be epic with backpackers, but it also offers some great day hiking. The scenery can be a bit varied, too – waterfalls, lakes, meadows, rock scrambles,…
The weather really can make or break a trip or a hike. Last year, visiting Mt. Hood, the weather went from socked in to quite cloudy, to totally cloudy and misty and rainy. The last day we decided to do…
Sometimes there are hikes that you just know as soon as you arrive (at the parking area or the destination) that this is one epic hike. Gnarl Ridge, high on the southern side of Mt. Hood, was one of those…
If you like hiking through woods and views across meadows, Elk Meadows on the side of Mt. Hood, Oregon may well be a hike built for you. It’s really a backpacker’s destination, a place for a short overnight hike and…
Or, 12 Dayhikes You Should Take With Your Kids Before They’re Grown Today we have another collection of Epic Hikes in the Western US! This time our man is middle-age, highly creative, full of energy and fun, and was the…
Sometimes there are just those hikes that you really try to see, yet it just never quite works out. Supposedly, the views are great, the trail is fine, and you just can’t wait to see it for yourself. But every…
Although I’ve driven past Mt. Hood several times over the years, I had never actually stopped to hike in the area until this past summer. I didn’t regret the decision to stop here: the area is beautiful, and Mt. Hood,…
Have you ever seen Mt. Hood? It is a well-known landmark, especially in its home state of Oregon. Many people come every year to climb it, and thousands of others to admire its shapely appearance. One of the best ways…
In late September of this year, I found a description of Owl Point in northern Oregon that looked like a great hike to take. Pictures taken from the point offered awesome views of Mt. Hood, and the trail was only…