If I had to pick one desert state to say was my favorite, Utah would almost certainly win. I love the rock formations, the arches, the canyons, the scrubby desert; it’s all lovely in a very rustic sort of way. …

If I had to pick one desert state to say was my favorite, Utah would almost certainly win. I love the rock formations, the arches, the canyons, the scrubby desert; it’s all lovely in a very rustic sort of way. …
Near Hole-in-the-Rock Road in Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument there is a wash that turns into a canyon, and through this canyon runs a small, perennial stream. The canyon (which goes under the name of Coyote Gulch) also hides several…
Ok, so I’ll admit it: I’ve never been fond of Zion National Park. Every time I’ve visited since 1997 it seemed there was nothing to do that got you far enough away from Zion Canyon to allow you to appreciate…