It’s the end of 2019, which means it’s time for the annual roundup of the Top 20 Pages on Anne’s Travels! The top pages are pretty much the same as last year – Out of State Learner Permit Laws, 10…

It’s the end of 2019, which means it’s time for the annual roundup of the Top 20 Pages on Anne’s Travels! The top pages are pretty much the same as last year – Out of State Learner Permit Laws, 10…
Bug screens are one thing we always take with us on trips to the wilderness. Because we sleep in the van, it’s very helpful not to be eaten alive while we try to sleep (I’m thinking of one New Years…
It’s the end of 2018 (where did the year go?) and we get to look back for a bit and see what the internet thought was the most interesting (or useful?) posts and pages on Anne’s Travels were over the…
So I thought I’d post the pages on that were most-visited during 2014. I know, I know, it’s not even 2015 yet. But considering the numbers, I don’t think much will change in the next week and a half…
In my last post, I started talking about how to make screens to put over the windows of your vehicle to keep out the bugs. In this post, I’ll continue to explain how you can make these bug screens. …
This week, I’d like to deviate a bit from my normal posts about destinations. Instead, I’ll tell you about how you can make custom screens to put over your vehicle windows to keep the bugs out. This is especially important…