Overshadowed by its near neighbors Mt. Rushmore National Monument, Crazy Horse Memorial, and all of the commercializing that goes with those monuments, Custer State Park isn’t as well known as it probably deserves. Still, it’s near enough to these monuments…
A Nice Way to Break Up a Trip Down I-90: Sioux Falls
I’m not particularly fond of city parks. I’d much rather find some wilderness to go hike in, but if I’m stuck in a city, a city park is better than no park at all. I can’t say that we were…
Yikes! It’s a Nuke! (Minuteman Missile)
“World-wide delivery in 30 minutes or less, or your next one is free” reads the sign on the door. Underneath the sign is the logo of Domino’s Pizza. No, this isn’t a pizza parlor, nor is any kind of food…
A Bear of a Butte
Bear Butte State Park is a nice little park in the north-west corner of South Dakota. Its main attraction is Bear Butte (what a coincidence!), a butte-shaped mountain that sticks up from the fairly flat land surrounding it, although Bear…