An excerpt from my journal. “Surrender is painful,” people say. Perhaps that is true. But nothing is as painful as being separated from God. Nothing. Nothing is wrong with it to be separated from Him. Nothing. Nothing can separate us…

An excerpt from my journal. “Surrender is painful,” people say. Perhaps that is true. But nothing is as painful as being separated from God. Nothing. Nothing is wrong with it to be separated from Him. Nothing. Nothing can separate us…
The more I intentionally walk out surrender in this Christian life, the more I realize that surrender isn’t really about giving things up. It’s how I’ve thought about the topic in the past – to lay down and abandon whatever…
Trying to submit or surrender to God is an oft-referenced topic of teaching these days. It’s Biblical if very rarely put in those terms – “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies…
There is a debate going around Christian circles today regarding our previous experiences. Actually, the debate has been circulating for decades, but by now it seems to be at a feverish pitch. “When it comes to your faith, don’t trust…