Last summer, I happened to be driving north along the coast of California (it’s a lot cooler than driving I-5, that’s for sure!) The day after our little adventure in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park (the Ossagon Trail down to…

Last summer, I happened to be driving north along the coast of California (it’s a lot cooler than driving I-5, that’s for sure!) The day after our little adventure in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park (the Ossagon Trail down to…
The 20 Lakes Basin Loop above Saddlebag Lake just outside of Yosemite National Park along the Tioga Road is a stunner at its minimum. The alpine scenery is jaw-dropping from the moment you set foot on the trail and never…
Paradise Park has been on my bucket list for hiking every time I visit Mt. Hood, and every time, we don’t do it. That’s mostly due to poor weather (why hike to views of the volcano when the volcano is…
In my perusals of unofficial routes in Death Valley, I ran across three hikes that seemed fascinating (to me, anyway!) in Panamint Valley: Panamint Dunes (which is actually an official route, though its trail is pretty much invisible in many…
If you’ve ever seen photos of Cuyahoga Valley National Park, you’ve probably seen one (or both!) of the two famous waterfalls in the park: Brandywine Falls and Blue Hen Falls. My first and foremost plan when visiting the park for…
One of my favorite hikes I did around New York State last fall was the Whirlpool Trail Whirlpool State Park (though it might as well be in Niagara Falls State Park given how close it is to the falls –…
A perennial waterfall? In Death Valley? You’ve got to be kidding! But really – blazing hot summer, parched autumn, or during the (slightly less arid) winter/spring, Darwin Falls in the far west of Death Valley National Park is a beautiful…
One day at the library, I got out a book about hikes and rail trails in western New York State. There were quite a few great trails there (including many I’d hiked or biked before), but one that intrigued me…
Perhaps one of the most beautiful national parks in the contiguous US, Glacier National Park is also very remote. That means you might have some trouble finding lodging or a campsite, but if you can get that under control, you’re…
En route to Grinnell Lake, the views along Lake Josephine of mountains, glaciers, and lakes make it well worth the extra miles!