So you’ve seen Yosemite Valley and you’re looking for something new. Or else you’re visiting the park during the summer or fall and the famous falls aren’t falling. Whatever the reason, you’re looking for another trail that’s different from other…

So you’ve seen Yosemite Valley and you’re looking for something new. Or else you’re visiting the park during the summer or fall and the famous falls aren’t falling. Whatever the reason, you’re looking for another trail that’s different from other…
This week, I’d like to touch on a hike that isn’t very long. In fact, it’s only half a mile round trip! And, the trail is paved! Still, even though it’s a short walk, it is well worth it to…
I’ve always though of two things when I hear the word “Yosemite”: lots of crowds, and waterfalls. However, in my two former trips to Yosemite Valley, I’d never gotten it through my head that it’s also very pretty. There are…