“Taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8a)
Tasting and seeing – that’s experiencing. It’s more than a physical sensation in your mouth and running your eyes across something. It’s an experience of the Most High God that leads us to know that God is good.
While there are many ways to experience God – to taste Him and see Him – I want to focus on one aspect.
We can taste, see, and experience the things that God has made. It’s the thing that causes our hearts to rejoice in a brilliant sunrise, to cry out in praise over the majesty of a view, or to be in awe at the delicateness of a flower or rock formation.
Our hearts are crying out, “God, I have tasted and I have seen! You are good!”
We can take the experience one step further by touching the things around us… a smooth pebble, a crackling dried leaf, the coarseness of sandstone, the icy cold of a mountain stream, the springy fuzziness of moss, the damp roughness of tree bark; it’s all around us, the experience of the things God has made.
If we allow our hearts to respond, we can whisper with certainty, “You are good.”