One of the tactics of the spirit of the age that I see so often these days is a tendency toward isolation. I see it pop up in many places under many different names:
Some believe that if only everyone knew what was really inside of them, everyone would hate them. So they hide.
Others see something negative in the people around them, and in the quest to not be like that, they isolate themselves from the very people who could help them and love them most.

Then there are the people who have a different view of themselves than what would be considered “normal” in their world (for good or for bad). They isolate themselves in an attempt to keep out the negativity and rejection they believe they would face if they got close to anyone (whether that would really happen or not).
Some people simply believe that they are alone.

The truth of the matter is that the isolation tendency is just another form of the spirit of suicide that has pervaded our society for years. Instead of physically killing off the person, the spirit seduces the individual to believe that they are completely and utterly alone.
No one understands.
No one cares.
They are hated by everyone.
Nothing they can do will change them or people’s opinion of them.
In short, they are condemned to be alone because no one will accept them.

The other truth of the matter is that we are not, will never, and can never be completely alone. God is with us, perpetually, continually, and no sin or choice could ever separate them from Him and His love for them (Romans 8:35; 38-39).
We are never completely alone: Even “though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me” (Psalm 27:10).

Or in the words of David, “Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? …your right hand will hold me fast” (Psalm 139:7; 10b)
God brings people into your life who would be more than just interested in what you’re going through. “A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families” (Psalm 68:5-6a). The very people who it’s easy to believe would reject and mock you may very well be the ones who God has put in your life to accept you.

The best I can say is this: Don’t believe the lies that no one loves you. Don’t believe the lies that no one accepts you. Not everyone will understand, not everyone will think you’re the hottest thing ever. But there will be the ones who – if you can come to them in humility – will not only love you but accept you and build you up.
We don’t have to live in the devil’s isolation because we are not alone!